

  • 3-5 working days (4-7 working days for outlying islands)

  • Free shipping for all orders within Hong Kong.

  • Shipping fee for international orders may vary, please check during checkout. Please note that additional charges may apply for certain destinations and delivery options.

  • S. F. Express may have additional service charges for specific delivery addresses, please contact SF express for details.

  • A valid Hong Kong mobile number must be provided when inputting your delivery details. Otherwise, S.F. Express won’t be able to contact you for delivery or send you any “pick-up” SMS.

  • If the products are returned to us due to conflict between the delivery address and the address you filled in, no shipping charge can be refunded.


  • Working days excludes public holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

  • We’re unable to make changes to your order once it’s placed. If you need to make a change, and payment hasn’t been collected, cancel your order and place a new one. If payment was collected, please contact us for help.

  • A valid Hong Kong mobile number must be provided when placing order, otherwise, S.F. Express won’t be able to contact you for delivery or send you any “pick-up” SMS. No details can be amended once your order is confirmed.

  • Shipping is non-refundable for orders that cannot be delivered due to an insufficient address or invalid mobile number. If your order cannot be delivered, it will be returned to blankproject and we’ll issue a refund minus the shipping fees.

  • At this time, we can only ship the products to commercial residential addresses (except closed area) within HKSAR and selected countries.